Led light

How to make LED Light Yellow?- Know More!

The color temperature of LED is extremely important. It impacts the whole setting and theme of the room. But what if you decide to change a few things here and there in the room and now the current LED lights just don’t go with the rest of the ambiance?

You need warmer lights now, so, how to make LED light yellow? We’ve got answers to that! We will guide you on how to turn your brighter light go to the warm shade.

There are various ways you can turn your LED lights warmer:

  • Some are DIYs that are cheaper but temporary.
  • While few other techniques are permanent and a tad bit expensive.

We will discuss each way further so you may decide for yourself upon which way you want your lights done!

Table of Contents

    • Compatibility:
    • Installation:
    • Advantages of color filter gels:
    • Disadvantages of color filter gels:
    • Precaution:
    • Advantages:
    • Disadvantages
    • You’ll need:
    • Procedure:
    • Advantages:
    • Disadvantages:
    • Advantages:
    • Disadvantages:
    • Q. Can you get yellow LED lights?
    • Q. Can you change the color of an LED?
    • Q. What is yellow LED light good for?
    • Q. Are yellow or white lights better?
    • Q. What do yellow LED lights mean?
    • Q. Is traffic light bad for your eyes?
    • Q. Is LED light bad for eyes?
    • Q. Are our warm white LED lights bad for the eyes?


Color filter gels are large sheets, which can be cut to the required size and used. These are filters that soak up and retain undesired shades. They allow the specific light colors to pass through them.

If you need your LED lights yellow you should go for orange or red color filter gels. These will neutralize the bright white shade and turn it into warmer light color. You may use more than one filter gels if you’re not satisfied with the result and need the light to be warmer.

“The good part about color filter gels is that they just need to be cut and inserted in the bulb so you don’t have to go through the hassle of gluing or taping.”

It is a pretty quick and time-saving procedure. Color filter gels are easily available in markets as well as online.


Color filter gels are compatible with:

  • Onboard flashes.
  • Strobe lighting.
  • Speed lights.
  • External flashes.

The color filter gels are often used by photographers, videographers, and in theaters for a quick and easy solution to change the light color.


This one here has the simplest installation process.

  • Cut out the circle from the large sheet of color filter gel.
  • Remove the glass cover from your LED light and slide the circular color filter gel onto the cover.
  • Reinstall the cover again and turn on your light.

Voila! The magic is done and now you have warm, yellow LED lights!

Advantages of color filter gels:

  • Quick solutions.
  • Saves the hassle of requiring anything else for application.
  • Low cost.

Disadvantages of color filter gels:

The disadvantage is that if you want a long-term and permanent solution, this is not something you may want to go for.

  • Color filter gels are a temporary solution for warm lights.

Also, if your ceilings are high and you require frequent changes in light color then changing the filter now and then will just prove to be irritating and tiresome.


Another solution to acquire a warmer shade of light is painting the exterior of your bright white LED lights.

“Use yellow or orange hues and paint the external surface of the bulb. You only require paints and LEDs for this DIY solution to make LED lights yellow.”

There aren’t many requirements and the results are quick and easy.


We’d advise you to keep precautions as some paints are flammable and may cause harm. Buy inflammable quality paint if you want to perform this DIY project.

LEDs are generally low heat-generating devices but much heat they emit, the only discharge that through the glass. If you completely cover the glass the bulb might retain the heat inside. It then results in a smaller life span of the bulb.


  • Low cost.
  • Temporary.
  • You may change the color as frequently as you want.
  • No other equipment is required.


  • Paints are flammable.
  • A thin film of opaque paints might hinder the overall brightness.
  • Heat retains inside the bulb due to paint.
  • Shortens the lifespan of bulbs.


This is another DIY for changing the LED lights to warmer tones. This however is a tad bit more time requiring than the other two ways.

You’ll need:

  • White LEDs.
  • Scissor
  • Clear tape.
  • Thin paper sheet.


  • Cut the paper into a rectangular shape.
  • The size of paper depends upon the size of your LED light bulb. It must be large enough to cover the bulb from all sides.
    Pick a yellow or orange marker and color the thin paper from all sides.
  • Make sure you don’t leave corners or result in looking like a poorly lit light bulb.
  • Wrap the colored paper or tissue paper on each bulb. Secure firmly using tapes.
  • Reinstall the bulb back into its place. Look at that warm light!


  • Quick,
  • Possibly easiest solution.
  • Low cost.
  • Frequent color changing is possible with this method.


  • Time taking.
  • Requires materials you might not readily have (markers or very thin paper sheets).


Yes. Time is everything. If you do not want to waste your time performing these DIY projects, we have another easy solution for you.

You can buy color temperature changing bulbs. This way, you aren’t only saving time and energy, you can be smart and use bright lights during the evening and warmer lights in the day (or vice versa if you prefer).

The tone of the bulb can be changed via an app on the smartphone and you don’t even have to leave your comfy couch for it (enjoy lazing around on your off day!).

Some companies are even smarter and the lights are compatible with voice assistants. You can ask Alexa to change your light hue to a brighter or warmer color.


  • Cost-effective.
  • Ability to change colors instantly.
  • Easiest of all options.
  • Time-saving method.
  • Permanent solution.


  • A bit expensive than all other methods.


Q. Can you get yellow LED lights?

Yes, you can get yellow LED lights. LED bulbs by Philips Hue are capable of displaying a powerful color range; from purple to red, to a spectrum of whites and yellows.

Q. Can you change the color of an LED?

Yes, you can change the color of an LED. Primarily, there are three sorts of color-changing seen in LED currently: White color tuning, Warm-dimming, and full-color tuning.

Q. What is yellow LED light good for?

Yellow Light Therapy is employed to extend wound healing, collagen induction, skin hydration, and therefore the overall health of the skin.

As a stand-alone treatment, Yellow LED is the perfect skin picks-me-up which will leave your skin looking healthier and radiant. It also works to scale back redness by increasing dermal blood flow.

Q. Are yellow or white lights better?

Neither too yellow nor too white lights are better. Instead, warm white is what we’ll recommend. It’s yellowish-white. This light gives a warm and comfy feeling and is usually best for living rooms, dens and bedrooms.

Q. What do yellow LED lights mean?

Yellow, especially the lighter shades, is additionally related to happiness and sunshine. Installing yellow LED lighting will promote unity and communication also sparking creativity, making the color an honest choice for commercial offices and therefore the workplace.

Q. Is traffic light bad for your eyes?

No, studying under yellow lights won’t harm your eyes. Traffic light lacks blue wavelengths which may cause more glare and cause more symptoms. That’s why activities requiring sharp vision – like hunting or competitive shooting – will use yellow glasses.

Q. Is LED light bad for eyes?

Exposure to LED lights can cause irreparable harm to the retina of the human eye, consistent with a study. Once the retina cells are destroyed by prolonged and continuous exposure to LED rays, they can’t get replaced and cannot re-grow, ThinkSpain.com reported.

Q. Are our warm white LED lights bad for the eyes?

A per new research, exposure to an intense and powerful LED light can be photo-toxic and may cause irreversible loss of retinal cells and diminished sharpness of vision.


Everything is possible in this day and era. Even if you’ve already purchased your light bulbs, there are still so many ways you can change their color temperature and bring the warmer hues out of white LED lights.

You may go for DIY projects if you’re willing to spend time and energy on changing the color tone of your LED lights. They are not very expensive and you can easily create the tone you want. They’re easy and fun to do if you have the knack for creativity and crafting.

On the other hand, if you want to gauge away from DIYs and you require anything that saves time, try to go for purchasing color-changing LED lights. They are permanent, time-saving, and cost-effective. You can instantly change the tone of your bulbs with one-touch or even with one voice command.

Hopefully, this guide has helped you learn ways to change the color temperature of your LED lights! Change your LED light tone and enjoy the different ambiance of your home!

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